Thursday, June 17, 2010

About something new

As the time for introductory posts has come to a close I'd like to know what people want to read here. Aside from the usual of food, thoughts, emotions, etc. what would you like to know about Tajikistan you can't find on its Wikipedia page. Please comment so I can begin to write about more things other than going to the local Turkish place for tea (as awesome as it is).

One of my own hopes is to put myself in to new, "scary" situations--aka exploring outside the comfort zone of my classroom and local house; namely into the bazaars and sites, where a better flavor of the actual Tajiki people is attainable. By "compromising" I do not mean dangerous, threatening, or foolish situations; I mean ones in which I will experience things unknown/foreign/unparalleled/not-Western. I'll utilize the light of day and absolutely travel with friends, so (Mom and Dad) don't worry too much.

This is a "study abroad" but is better characterized as a foreign immersion program and it's important to actually challenge my skills and see new people/things. I've been slow in immersing myself here so far but its time to start going new places and meeting new people.

I'll let you know how it goes soon. In the meantime let's hear what suggestions you have for me?

Take care for now.

-DW in Dushanbe

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